Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hello, My Name Is....

Hi everyone, MommyBee here! As you all can probably see, I'm fairly new to the blogging world. But I'm super excited to get started! Well, as you know, I'm MommyBee :) My Husband, G, is in my profile picture with me. We live in a small little town in Illinois, about 20 minutes from downtown St. Louis. We have two beautiful little girls, M and A. M is almost 5 and A is almost 3 (birthday blogs soon to come) M is our little drama queen. She loves to be the center of attention (as most 4 year olds do). A is a little more laid back (like her father). She has a great personality. Another thing about A--- she was born with a brain malformation called Polymicrogyria (PMG for short). We don't know what caused it, but because of this A is an epileptic, she is cortically blind, and she is severely delayed (more talk about A in the future). In addition to myself, G, M, and A we also have 3 (yes 3) dogs. Denali is our 2 yr old Rotweiler (G's dog), Porscha is our 2 yr old Dobby (M's dog), and Molly, a 6 month old Pomeranian (Mollys my baby). Well, I think we have the family all covered. In addition to being a full time mom and wife, I'm also a student. Yep, I go to school full time-- right now I'm pursuing a degree in Counseling Studies (the goal here is to become a licensed psychotherapist, maybe with an emphasis in teaching). In the meantime G makes all the bucks. G works for a fireproofing company and has to go out of town a lot for his job :(in fact, he's out of the state right now for about 2 whole weeks): G's also in school, he just decided to go back (yay!) and get his degree in Criminal Justice--- I couldn't be more proud. Well, I guess that's about it for now ---- kids are begging for dinner (Chicken Florentine Bowtie Pasta Bake --- Yum!)- recipe coming soon! :)
xoxo MommyBee

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